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The Principal author is very grateful to the library of the Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (National Defence University of Malaysia) for its support in providing necessary manuscripts, which are not free download.
Using a cut-off value of > 13% positively stained cancer cells, Ki67 was found to be an independent predictor for pCR (OR 3.5; 95% CI, 1.4, 10.1) and for overall survival (HR 8.1; 95% CI, 3.3 to 20.4) and distant disease-free survival (HR 3.2; 95% CI, 1.8 to 5.9). The mean Ki67 value was 50.6 23.4% in patients with pCR. Patients without a pCR had an average of 26.7 22.9% positively stained cancer cells.
Overall survival, distant disease-free survival, and local recurrence-free survival were the outcomes of interest in the prognosis analyses. Survival rates were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier product limit method. Differences between survival curves were tested using the logrank test. Multiple Cox proportional hazard (PH) models were used to obtain hazard ratios (HRs). For each outcome, a full model containing all risk factors except for pCR was constructed, and the final model was again contained using backward stepwise variable selection. The extended final model with the remaining risk factors and also pCR was fitted. The final model and the extended final model were compared using the likelihood ratio test to assess the prognostic value of pCR. The proportional hazard assumptions were checked using tests that correlate scaled Schoenfeld residuals with a suitable time transformation [15].
As Ki67 did have an effect on the pCR, the additional value of pCR was tested with regard to the prognosis with multivariate Cox proportional hazard (PH) models for each of the outcome parameters -- overall survival (OS), distant disease-free survival (DDFS), and local recurrence-free survival (LRFS) -- firstly without the parameter of pCR, and then including it (Tables 6 and 7).
Kaplan-Meier curves with 5 year survival rate estimates (OS) and respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) for distant disease-free survival according to pathological complete responses (pCRs). ER, estrogen receptor; HER2, HER2/neu receptor; PR, progesterone receptor.
Kaplan-Meier curves with 5 year survival rate estimates (OS) and respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) for local recurrence-free survival according to pathological complete responses (pCRs). ER, estrogen receptor; HER2, HER2/neu receptor; PR, progesterone receptor. 2ff7e9595c